first day at kem an i meet this gorgeous people
from lf 2 rgt:cieyot,amal,me,miezah n adeng
jue n adeng..pretty right?
first time pakai bj kurung kat kem
roll call nk g kls tp ketua kompeni lg sakan bergambar..hehehe
my love suprise visit at my kem
he told me that he cannot come but my friend @mohd nafis text me an say"boyfriend nana ade kat bwh..x mahu jumpa kh?"
kawan2 poret (gosip) at kem plkn
keadaan di meja mkn bile semua dpt hp...hehehe
yg dok termunung tue shima yg cute..
some1 missing...ehem..oh amal buat penagguhan time nie..huhuhu tp x pa.cus study first right?
me and miezah
me and miezah b4 nk solat..sorry yea tuan imam..
banyak kenangan yg sya peroleh dr kem ini.first2 masuk memang mala jer nk blik rumah cus homesick..heheh selepas 2 minggu dlm tue ,sya rasa mcm x nk blk rumah lah kalau kat rumahkte memang x buat ape2..mcm hippo jer..hehe..yg plg best ialah sya dpt jumpe blk kwn lama yg lost contact dulu..hehe n jumpe kwn2 brk dr kl,bintulu,lundu,sibu n sbgnya..
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