Nur Hazrina

Nur Hazrina

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

kenangan kat kem plkn juara serian siri 9/2012 part 2

first day at kem an i meet this gorgeous people
from lf 2 rgt:cieyot,amal,me,miezah n adeng

jue n adeng..pretty right?

first time pakai bj kurung kat kem

roll call nk g kls tp ketua kompeni lg sakan bergambar..hehehe

my love suprise visit at my kem

he told me that he cannot come but my friend @mohd nafis text me an say"boyfriend nana ade kat bwh..x mahu jumpa kh?"

kawan2 poret (gosip) at kem plkn

keadaan di meja mkn bile semua dpt hp...hehehe

yg dok termunung tue shima yg cute..

some1 missing...ehem..oh amal buat penagguhan time nie..huhuhu tp x pa.cus study first right?

me and miezah

me and miezah b4 nk solat..sorry yea tuan imam..

banyak kenangan yg sya peroleh dr kem ini.first2 masuk memang mala jer nk blik rumah cus homesick..heheh selepas 2 minggu dlm tue ,sya rasa mcm x nk blk rumah lah kalau kat rumahkte memang x buat ape2..mcm hippo jer..hehe..yg plg best ialah sya dpt jumpe blk kwn lama yg lost contact dulu..hehe n jumpe kwn2 brk dr kl,bintulu,lundu,sibu n sbgnya..

Saturday, 24 December 2011

should or not a girl confess to a guy??

It is very uncommon for a girl to confess to a guy unless she's crazy into him. The reason being that girls are usually more shy and find it weird being the one confessing instead of the guy. However there are the unique individuals who tend to be more brave and outgoing which is not a bad thing. It just shows the girl has a lot of self-confidence and are willing to put aside their pride to obtain something that they believe is worth a lot to them.

In a normal scenario the guy will confess to the girl if things are going well, and if it doesn't happen... just be patient and give it some time, and if not then it is a possibility that the guy is just not that into the girl.

As well some guys might even be scared of the approach where a girl confesses to them because they won't know how to respond in that type of situation. The difference between girls and guys is that girls tend to have a softer heart and their feelings are usually more fragile compared to a guy. So if a girl were to approach a guy, and the guy doesn't feel the same way then he will feel like a jerk if he has to reject her because no matter how the guy breaks it to the girl. In the end, the result will be the same; the girl gets her heart shattered, unless she was never that into the guy in the first place, but if she wasn't then there would really be no reason for her to feel the need to confess.

The best solution for a situation like this would be for the girl to just naturally give the guy signs that she has interest in him and would like to move forward into a relationship, but not come on too strong in a way that would scare off the guy. Eventually, if the guy catches on to the signs in time, and he ends up feeling the same and shows interest in the girl as well; and he is man enough. Then he will initiate the first move, and do all the work. So there is no need for the girl to worry about the complication of having to confess to the guy instead. However, if in the end, the guy just shows no interest at all, and possibly tries to avoid the girl. Then the girl needs to know when the right time to move on is, either by reading the signs from the guy or if the guy tends to avoid the girl. That way things don't become too complicated and things don't become too uncomfortable for both parties.

Good Luck!

Wednesday, 21 December 2011

holiday with my friends

before spm 2011 berakhir,kami 1 kelas dh cadang nak pergi on the 6-7 of disember,we went to damai beach resort !!we have so much fun at there....this is some of my pics..

 gwen,why u laugh like this???omg..sure u laugh at sze yong(he the one next to gwen)
 three of us take shower...
 getting ready for dinner but still got time to take pics

 me and mandy...your eye so sleepy lar mandy

after dinner,take pics time...this time i still want to go toilet...
 me and gwen
 asyraf fail!!u still want to scare us??
 lim leong chea,mandy jee,angel ang and kho si ting..
 who are they??
 owh,its joshua sim(the banana leader),camellia teo and oii jiang xiang(the badminton player)
 so scarecy owh...
 josh n ah xiang kiss2
 natelie lim and mandy jee,gwen,mandy
 janice ,kho si ting and tiffany ann
 cak2..gwen,why u close szeyong eye?

                                                  papa jason kua,why u so serious??think about money??
                                                                              5 S 2 banana
                                                                     5s2 boys banana
                                                                           cannot see lor..
                                                                          5S2 girls banana
                                           wake in the morning(5am) just want to see sunrise
 lets play beach volley balls
 this is joey lim...youngest sis of 5 S 2..
 5s2 relex at beach..from above is iain,eileen,natelie,si ting.from below left is kim hao,big bro daryl chong,lim leong chea and gwen
 the red shirt is janice jan...u guys stare at what??
damai beach
before spm 2011 berakhir,kami 1 kelas dh cadang nak pergi on the 6-7 of disember,we went to damai beach resort !!we have so much fun at there....this is some of m pics..

petua zaman dahulu

tadi saya cari petua nk  hilang getah kat baju..terus jumpa ini!!!
orang  tua Melayu pada zaman dahulu memang kaya dengan petua yang berguna tak kiralah samada petua kecantikan, petua nak cepat dapat jodoh, petua memasak, petua supaya awet muda, petua rumahtangga bahagia, petua memikat gadis dan macam-macam lagi petua yang berguna dan menarik. Adakah petua-petua yang diamalkan oleh nenek moyang kita boleh dipakai? Bagi saya tentulah petua-petua tersebut berkesan, kalau tak berkesan tentulah ianya tidak diperturunkan kepada genarasi yang seterusnya.
Ianya merupakan satu warisan Melayu yang tidak ternilai yang ditemui oleh nenek moyang kita bagi mempermudahkan sesuatu kerja dan menyelesaikan masalah yang dihadapi pada zaman tersebut. Di bawah merupakan antara petua yang ringkas, mudah dan berkesan yang boleh dicuba oleh sesiapa sahaja terutamanya bagi golongan Wanita dan Surirumah. Selamat mencuba..

Petua menghilangkan bau nasi hangit.
Nasi hangit biasanya kurang enak dimakan. Untuk menghilangkan bau hangit, periuk yang berisi nasi hangit hendaklah ditutup dengan daun pisang. Alas dengan surat khabar kemudian barulah ditutup dengan penutupnya sebelum direndam periuk nasi ke dalam besen berisi air.

Petua menghilangkan bau hanyir ikan, sotong dan udang juga petua menambahkan kesuburan pokok bunga.
Semasa mencuci beras, airnya jangan dibuang. Ia boleh digunakan untuk membersihkan ikan, udang dan sotong untuk menghilangkan bau hanyirnya dan disiramkan pada pokok bunga untuk menambah kesuburannya. Selain daripada itu, air beras juga boleh dibuat mandi sebagai penawar untuk menyejukkan badan dan kepala kanak-kanak.

Petua untuk mudah kupas kulit bawang.
Semasa memotong bawang, kadangkala kulitnya melekat pada isinya. Satu cara untuk mengupas kulitnya adalah dengan merendam bawang merah di dalam air selama lima minit kemudian baru dikupas.

Petua untuk mengelakkan balang atau bekas gula dimasuki semut.
Untuk mengelakkan balang atau bekas gula daripada dimasuki semut, sapukan minyak masak disekeliling balang.

Petua mengelakkan hati lembu yang dimasak menjadi keras.
Semasa memasak hati lembu, kebanyakan suri rumah membiarkan masakan itu terlalu lama di atas dapur hingga menyebabkan hati menjadi keras. Satu rahsia agar hati kekal lembut ialah jangan memasaknya terlalu lama di atas api. Masukkan kesemua rempah dan rencah yang diperlukan, biarkan hingga garing kemudian barulah dimasukkan hati. Kacau selama dua atau tiga minit dan terus padamkan api. Hati bukan sahaja lembut tetapi rasanya lebih enak.

Petua untuk menanggalkan getah buah-buahan yang terkena pada pakaian.
Pakaian yang terkena getah buah-buahan jangan terus dibuang.
Petua untuk menanggalkan getah itu ialah dengan menabur garam halus sebelum dituang air yang baru mendidih ke atasnya. Lakukan beberapa kali dan kesan getah akan hilang.

Petua mencuci pakaian yang terkena minyak.
Mencuci pakaian yang terkena minyak ada caranya. Tuang minyak tanah ke bahagian yang terkena minyak dan sental untuk seketika sebelum digosok dengan limau nipis. Akhir sekali baru dicuci seperti biasa dengan sabun.

Petua menuang air yang mendidih pada gelas kaca.
Air yang baru mendidih jangan terus dituang ke dalam gelas kerana ini akan menyebabkan gelas pecah. Cara yang betul ialah meletak sudu aluminium ke dalam gelas kemudian baru dituang air.

Petua untuk mengelakkan jemput-jemput daripada menjadi keras.
Untuk mengelakkan jemput-jemput daripada menjadi keras, masukkan sedikit serbuk penaik ke dalam adunan tepung. Satu lagi petua ialah dengan memasukkan sedikit air perahan limau nipis

Petua untuk memudahkan menggoreng ikan supaya tak melekat.
Kuali baru atau yang tidak dicuci bersih menjadi punca ikan melekat semasa digoreng. Jadi sebelum menggoreng ikan, pastikan kuali dicuci bersih. Jangan ada sedikit pun kerak atau sisa-sisa makanan di dalamnya. Jika ikan masih melekat pada kuali, tabur sedikit kulit bawang besar ke dalam minyak dan biarkan sebentar. Ikan bukan sahaja mudah dialihkan tetapi juga menjadi garing.

Saturday, 17 September 2011

hijab and hat??

stylish muslimah.blogsportHijab And Hat: Love It or Shove It?

This 'love it or shove it' post is about wearing a hijab and hat together..hmm I'm personally not sure about the whole look and doubt I'd ever try to pull it off but here are some photos of girls who have attempted it, whether they have pulled it off or not is another story altogether..

Starting off..the styles don'ts, my major one is this: don't use a hat as an alternative to hijab not because I think it's not hijab but because it just don't look nice girlies! If you wana wear a hat wear a woolly hat and scarf in the winter, it looks cute :) But this, well, you make up your mind..I don't wana be mean because she's smiling so sweetly at me.
For a reason that I cannot explain to myself let alone you, I hate this:

This is the best so far but I think that's just because of the angle of the pic really..
I'm sure there is a fair few of you who disagree with me which is fair enough..This would have been nice if she had covered most of the hijab with a woolly scarf:

I saved the best until last, check these out!! I loooove them :D :D

I still don't know if it would look nice on a 'normal' person but hey it looks great on the model. And who better to pull of the headscarf and hat look than the Moss herself?

Don't you just love it? That was the cover for a Vogue mag in 1996 if your wondering. I think standards of the magazine have declined since then..but what do I know, I was only six when that came out :O
OMG, this Iranian actress Elnaz Shakerdoust is sooo glam I love her hijab and hat..
So generally, I still don't like the idea even though I like seeing them on people so if it looks good on them that's great and if it looks bad, well.. its not my fault they were taking these dangerous fashion risks :P